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AparapiFractals - Mandelbrot explorer and benchmarks

Marco Stefanetti requested to merge stefanettim/aparapi-examples:b11 into master
  • Mandelbrot Explorer image

  • Benchmark

AparapiFractals - Mandelbrot Benchmark - Soft 
  image size     : 500 x 500 
  maxIterations  : 100.000 
  complex region : -2,0000000000000000d,-2,0000000000000000d 2,0000000000000000d,2,0000000000000000d 

|Type | shortDescription               | deviceId       | Name                                       | LSizes   | ExMode | Elapsed(ms)|
| GPU | NVIDIA<GPU>                    | 1990291825392  | GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER                     | 8 x 8    |    GPU |        345 |
| GPU | AMD<GPU>                       | 1990282532976  | Oland                                      | 8 x 8    |    GPU |       1266 |
| ALT | Java Alternative Algorithm     | -2             | Java Alternative Algorithm                 | 8 x 8    |    JTP |        443 |
| JTP | Java Thread Pool               | -3             | Java Thread Pool                           | 8 x 8    |    JTP |        405 |


Merge request reports
