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  • Eugen Rochko's avatar
    Custom emoji (#4988) · 81cec35d
    Eugen Rochko authored
    * Custom emoji
    - In OStatus: `<link rel="emoji" name="coolcat" href="http://..." />`
    - In ActivityPub: `{ type: "Emoji", name: ":coolcat:", href: "http://..." }`
    - In REST API: Status object includes `emojis` array (`shortcode`, `url`)
    - Domain blocks with reject media stop emojis
    - Emoji file up to 50KB
    - Web UI handles custom emojis
    - Static pages render custom emojis as `<img />` tags
    Side effects:
    - Undo #4500 optimization, as I needed to modify it to restore
      shortcode handling in emojify()
    - Formatter#plaintext should now make sure stripped out line-breaks
      and paragraphs are replaced with newlines
    * Fix emoji at the start not being converted