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-            <plugin>
-                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-                <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
-                <dependencies>
-                    <dependency>
-                        <groupId>lt.velykis.maven.skins</groupId>
-                        <artifactId>reflow-velocity-tools</artifactId>
-                        <version>1.1.1</version>
-                    </dependency>
-                    <dependency>
-                        <!-- Reflow skin requires velocity 1.7 -->
-                        <groupId>org.apache.velocity</groupId>
-                        <artifactId>velocity</artifactId>
-                        <version>1.7</version>
-                    </dependency>
-                </dependencies>
-                <configuration>
-                    <generateReports>true</generateReports>
-                    <inputEncoding>UTF-8</inputEncoding>
-                    <outputEncoding>UTF-8</outputEncoding>
-                </configuration>
-            </plugin>
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-There are several OGM/ORM options out there. For the purposes of this document we will focus only on those that have a stable release, or are close to a stable release. At the time of this writing those are: Tinkerpop Framed and Totorom.
-We maintain an informal project for benchmarking Ferma against other OGM available, you can find the [source here](https://github.com/Syncleus/Ferma-benchmark). However below is a matrix breakdown of the results. Instead of showing raw execution time we show the ratio of each OGM compared to Ferma. Therefore if the table lists 1x then it means the framework has the same execution time as Ferma, if it lists 2x then it took twice as long to execute, and if it indicates 0.5x then it took half the time to execute. Obviously any value less than 1x indicates the OGM out performed Ferma and any value greater than 1x indicates Ferma had the superior performance tiimes.
-|                                           | **Blueprints** | **Gremlin Pipeline** | **Tinkerpop3** | **Frames**  | **Totorom** | **Peapod**  |
-| **Get adjacencies via annotation**        | Not capable    | Not capable          | Not capable    | x2.09       | Not capable | x2.65       |
-| **Get verticies (untyped)**               | x0.89          | x3.94                | x16.98         | Not capable | x4.24       | Not capable |
-| **Get verticies (typed)**                 | x0.92          | x3.94                | Not capable    | x0.96       | x4.20       | x20.74      |
-| **Get verticies and call next (untyped)** | x0.79          | x3.87                | x11.74         | Not capable | x4.81       | Not capable |
-| **Get verticies and call next (typed)**   | x0.72          | x2.91                | Not capable    | x1.94       | x3.31       | x16.70      |
-As can be seen Ferma out performs all the alternative solutions considerably by several orders of magnitude. While results do vary slightly from system to system these results are pretty close to typical. Go ahead, check out the benchmark program and run it for yourself!
-Feature Breakdown
-Despite the superior performance of Ferma it also supports all the features provided by the alternatives out there, not to mention several novel features. The following gives a quick breakdown of the features of the various frameworks. We also include a bit later in the document some Ferma examples showing the various features in action. All of the examples below use the domain model [found here](Ferma:Domain_Example).
-|                                                                                                                  | **Ferma**     | **Frames**    | **Totorom**   | **Peapod**    |
-| **[JPA-like Annotations](creating_annotated_domain_models)**                                                     | Supported     | Supported     | Not Supported | Supported     |
-| **[Type information encoded into graph](#type-information-encoded-into-graph)**                                  | Supported     | Supported     | Supported     | Supported     |
-| **[Framing of elements instantiated according to type hierarchy](#framing-instantiated-by-type-hierarchy)**      | Supported     | Supported     | Supported     | Supported     |
-| **[Element queried by type hierarchy](#element-queried-by-type-hierarchy)**                                      | Supported     | Not Supported | Not Supported | Partial \*    |
-| **[Turning off type resolution on a per call basis](#turning-off-type-resolution-per-call)**                     | Supported     | Not Supported | Not Supported | Not Supported |
-| **[Changing the encoded graph type already stored in the database](#changing-type-encoded-in-the-graph)**        | Supported     | Not Supported | Not Supported | Not Supported |
-| **[Customizing the way type information is stored in the graph](#customizing-how-types-are-encoded)**            | Supported     | Not Supported | Not Supported | Not Supported |
-| **Tinkerpop 2 support**                                                                                          | Supported     | Supported     | Supported     | Not Supported |
-| **Tinkerpop 3 support**                                                                                          | Not Supported | Not Supported | Not Supported | Supported     |
-\* While Peapod does support querying for all instances of a type, and its subtypes, it does not support a mechanism to query for a specific type while excluding subtypes.
-Type information encoded into graph
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class}));
-Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, types);
-Person person = fg.v().next(Program.class);
-String personClassName = Person.class.getName();
-String encodedClassName = person.getProperty(PolymorphicTypeResolver.TYPE_RESOLUTION_KEY)
-Framing instantiated by type hierarchy
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class,
-                                                                         Programmer.class}));
-TinkerGraph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, types);
-//make sure the newly added node is actually a programmer
-Person programmer = fg.v().next(Person.class);
-assert(programmer instanceof Programmer);
-Element queried by type hierarchy
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class,
-                                                                         Programmer.class}));
-TinkerGraph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, types);
-//counts how many people (or subclasses thereof) in the graph.
-assert(fg.v().has(Person.class).count() == 2);
-//counts how many programmers are in the graph
-assert(fg.v().has(Programmer.class).count() == 1);
-Turning off type resolution per call
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class,
-                                                                         Programmer.class}));
-TinkerGraph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, types);
-//With type resolution is active it should be a programmer
-assert(fg.v().next(Person.class) instanceof Programmer);
-//With type resolution bypassed it is no longer a programmer
-assert(!(fg.v().nextExplicit(Person.class) instanceof Programmer));
-Changing type encoded in the graph
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class,
-                                                                         Programmer.class}));
-TinkerGraph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, types);
-//make sure the newly added node is actually a programmer
-Person programmer = fg.v().next(Person.class);
-assert(programmer instanceof Programmer);
-//change the type resolution to person
-//make sure the newly added node is actually a programmer
-Person person = fg.v().next(Person.class);
-assert(person instanceof Person);
-assert(!(person instanceof Programmer));
-Customizing how types are encoded
-Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{Person.class}));
-final ReflectionCache cache = new ReflectionCache(types);
-FrameFactory factory = new AnnotationFrameFactory(cache);
-TypeResolver resolver = new PolymorphicTypeResolver(cache, "customTypeKey");
-Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
-FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, factory, resolver);
-Person person = fg.v().next(Program.class);
-String personClassName = Person.class.getName();
-String encodedClassName = person.getProperty("customTypeKey")
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-# Contribute
-Reflow skin is an open-source project and all contributions are welcome to assist with its
-development and maintenance. The skin originated as a new skin for the upcoming
-[Community Z Tools][czt] release, which uses Maven site for its documentation.
-Along the way I realised that the skin is becoming general enough to be released separately so that
-the whole community can benefit. Reflow Maven skin and the associated Reflow Velocity tools can be
-used freely and are released under [Apache license][apache-license].
-[czt]: http://czt.sourceforge.net
-[apache-license]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-## Issues (bug and feature tracker)
-Please report any bugs found, feature requests or other issues on
-[Reflow skin GitHub tracker][reflow-issues].
-When creating a new issue, try following [necolas's guidelines][issue-guidelines].
-[reflow-issues]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/
-[issue-guidelines]: http://github.com/necolas/issue-guidelines/#readme
-## Fork, patch and contribute code
-Feel free to fork Reflow skin's [Git repository at GitHub][reflow-github] for your own use and
-Contribute your fixes and new features back to the main codebase using
-[GitHub pull requests][github-pull-req].
-[reflow-github]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/
-[github-pull-req]: http://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests
-## Support
-Let me know if you are using Reflow skin in your project. I may get around to creating a showcase
-page listing skin user sites.
-[Contact me][av-site] if you have questions about the skin, or just like to say something about it.
-If you _really really_ like the skin and want to support the author, I will be glad to
-[accept a small donation][donate].
-[av-site]: http://andrius.velykis.lt
-[donate]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=QWKNRFZH52828
-## Acknowledgements
-Reflow skin is built on [Bootstrap][bootstrap] and uses themes from [Bootswatch][bootswatch].
-These include icons from [Glyphicons][glyphicons] and web fonts from [Google][webfonts].
-JavaScript goodies with [jQuery][jquery].
-Image previews with [Lightbox2][lightbox2].
-Code highlighting with [highlight.js][highlight-js].
-HTML rewriting with [jsoup][jsoup].
-Some artwork resources from [MediaLoot][medialoot].
-Inspired by [Maven Fluido Skin][fluido].
-[bootstrap]: http://getbootstrap.com/
-[bootswatch]: http://bootswatch.com/
-[glyphicons]: http://glyphicons.com/
-[webfonts]: http://www.google.com/webfonts/
-[jquery]: http://jquery.org
-[lightbox2]: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2
-[highlight-js]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/
-[jsoup]: http://jsoup.org/
-[medialoot]: http://medialoot.com/
-[fluido]: http://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/
-## Copyright and license
-Copyright 2012 Andrius Velykis
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this work except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at:
-   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
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-The Ferma schema is defined by a collection of interfaces and classes written by the user. Each method will interact with the underlying graph to either modify the graph in some way, or to retrieve an element or property from the graph. There are two techniques for defining how these methods behave. Either you can explicitly implement the method, or you can leave the method as abstract and annotate the method in order to allow Ferma to implement the method for you. Here we will define the annotations available to you and how they work, along with a few examples.
-The behavior of an annotated method is dictated not only by the annotation applied to it but also the method's signature. Therefore an annotated method will behave differently if it's return type, arguments, or even if the method name were to change. It is important to note that when a method is explicitly defined (doesnt use an annotation) then the method signature can be anything.
-Method names that are annotated must have one of the following prefixes: add, get, remove, set, is, can.
-Below specifies that annotations that can be used when defining a Frame's interface. By specifying the method argument and return types, the underlying graph is constrained to the interface specification.
-## Property annotation
-Valid on frames: Edge and Vertex
-Allowed prefixes: `get`, `is`, `can`, `set`, `remove`
-Annotation arguments:
-`value` - The name of the property
-The following would bind the method it is used on to the property named `foo`:
-//Method declared here
-### get prefix
-Valid method signatures: `()`
-#### ()
-Valid return types: *Any Object*
-Get the property value of an element. Used when property is not a boolean value.
-Bar getFoobar()
-<E extends Bar> E getFoobar()
-<E> E getFoobar()
-### is prefix
-Valid method signatures: `()`
-#### ()
-Valid return types: `boolean`
-Get the property value of an element. Used when property is a boolean value.
-boolean isFoobared()
-### set prefix
-Valid method signatures: `(Object)`
-#### (Object)
-Valid return types: `void`
-Set the property value of an element. The argument can be any class accepted by the underlying graph.
-void setFoobar(Bar foobar)
-<E extends Bar> void setFoobar(E foobar)
-<E extends VectorFrame> void setFoobar(E foobar)
-### remove prefix
-Valid method signatures: `()`
-#### ()
-Valid return types: `void`
-Remove the property of an element.
-void removeFoobar()
-## Adjacency annotation
-Valid on frames: Vertex
-Allowed prefixes: `add`, `get`, `remove`, `set`
-Annotation arguments:
-`label` - The label assigned to the edge which connects the adjacent nodes.
-`direction` - The direction for the edge which creates the adjacency. It can be assigned any of the values from @org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction@.
-### add prefix
-Valid method signatures: `()`, `(<Any Vertex Frame>)`, `(ClassInitializer)`, `(ClassInitializer, ClassInitializer)`
-Adds a node as an adjacency to the current node, and the returns the newly connected node.
-#### ()
-Valid return types: `Object` or `VertexFrame`
-Creates a new vertex without any type information as well as an untyped edge to connect to it. The newly created VertexFrame is returned. Since it is untyped the return type of the signature can either be `Object` or `VertexFrame`.
-VertexFrame addFoobar()
-#### (&lt;Any Vertex Frame&gt;)
-Valid return types: *Any Vertex Frame*
-Creates a new edge without any type information and connects it between this vertex the vertex specified as an argument to the method. The frame returned is the same as the frame given in the argument, it is only there for compatability with other add methods. This method can also have a `void` return type.
-Bar addFoobar(Bar existingVertex)
-<E extends Bar> E addFoobar(E existingVertex)
-<E extends VertexFrame> E addFoobar(E existingVertex)
-#### (ClassInitializer)
-Valid return types: *Any Vertex Frame*
-Creates a new edge without any type information and connects it between this vertex and a newly created vertex. The newly created vertex will have a type, as well as be initiated, according to the details specified in the ClassInitializer argument. Java generics can, and should, be used to narrow the return type.
-Bar addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends Bar> vertexInitializer)
-<E extends Bar> E addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends E> vertexInitializer)
-<E extends VertexFrame> E addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends E> vertexInitializer)
-#### (ClassInitializer, ClassInitializer)
-Valid return types: *Any Vertex Frame*
-Creates a new edge and connects this to a new vertex. The newly created vertex will have a type, as well as be initiated, according to the details specified in the first ClassInitializer argument. Similarly the newly created edge will hava type, and be initiated using, the second ClassInitializer argument. Java generics can, and should, be used to narrow the return type.
-Bar addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends Bar> vertexInitializer,
-              ClassInitializer<?> edgeInitializer)
-<E extends Bar> E addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends E> vertexInitializer,
-                            ClassInitializer<?> edgeInitializer)
-<E extends VertexFrame> E addFoobar(ClassInitializer<? extends E> vertexInitializer,
-                                    ClassInitializer<?> edgeInitializer)
-### get prefix
-Valid method signatures: `()`, `(Class)`
-Get's one or more adjacent vertex from the graph.
-#### ()
-Valid return types: *Any Vertex Frame* or `Object` or `VertexFrame` or `Iterator`
-Retrieves one or more of the adjacent vertex. If the return type is a specific Frame, an `Object`, or a `VertexFrame` then only the first instance is returned. If the return type is an iterator then it will iterate over all matching vertex. When using an Iterator it is encouraged to use generics. The returned frames will always be instantiated as the type encoded in the graph if there is one.
-**Note:** If a type is specified that is more specific than the type of the returned element then an exception will be thrown. Therefore the return type specifed should always by the same type, or a super-type, of the expected return type. VertexFrame is always a safe return type for this method.
-Bar getFoobar()
-<E extends Bar> E getFoobar()
-<E extends VertexFrame> E getFoobar()
-Iterator<Bar> getFoobar()
-<E extends Bar> Iterator<E> getFoobar()
-<E extends VertexFrame> Iterator<E> getFoobar()
-#### (Class)
-Valid return types: *Any Vertex Frame* or `Object` or `VertexFrame` or `Iterator`
-Retrieves one or more of the adjacent vertex. If the return type is a specific Frame, an `Object`, or a `VertexFrame` then only the first instance is returned. If the return type is an iterator then it will iterate over all matches vertex. When using an Iterator it is encouraged to use generics.
-The Class argument of the method specifes a filter such that only vertex which are of a matching type, or a subtype, to that of the argument will be returned.
-Bar getFoobar(Class<? extends Bar> filter)
-<E extends Bar> E getFoobar(Class<? extends E> filter)
-<E extends VertexFrame> E getFoobar(Class<? extends E> filter)
-Iterator<Bar> getFoobar(Class<? extends Bar> filter)
-<E extends Bar> Iterator<E> getFoobar(Class<? extends E> filter)
-<E extends VertexFrame> Iterator<E> getFoobar(Class<? extends E> filter)
-### remove prefix
-Valid method signatures: `(<Any Vertex Frame>)`
-Removes any edges which cause an adjacency.
-#### (&lt;Any Vertex Frame&gt;)
-Valid return types: `void`
-Removes any edges which create an adjacency between the vurrent vertex and the vertex specified in the methods argument.
-void removeFoobar(Bar vertex)
-<E extends Bar> void removeFoobar(E vertex)
-<E extends VertexFrame> void removeFoobar(E vertex)
-### set prefix
-Valid method signatures: `(Iterator)`
-Creates new edges connected to several vertex.
-#### (Iterator)
-Valid return types: `void`
-The argument for this method must be an Iterator which iterates over any vertex Frames. It is suggested you specify a Generic Type for the Iterator for usability.
-This method will iterate over all the vertex specified in the Iterator argument and create new edges to connect to it. The edges in the graph will not encode a type.
-void setFoobar(Iterator<Bar> vertex)
-<E extends Bar> void setFoobar(Iterator<? extends E> vertex)
-<E extends VertexFrame> void setFoobar(Iterator<? extends E> vertex)
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-Ferma provides three levels of type resolution: untyped, simple, and annotated. In untyped mode Ferma doesn't handle typing at all, instead the type must be explicitly indicated whenever querying. In simple mode Ferma provides type context encoded as graph element properties which ensures the same type comes out that goes in to a graph. In annotated mode all the features of simple mode are provided as well as enabling the use of annotations on abstract methods to instruct Ferma to dynamically construct byte code to implement the abstract methods at start up.
-## Dependency
-To include Ferma in your project of choice include the following Maven dependency into your build.
-    <groupId>com.syncleus.ferma</groupId>
-    <artifactId>ferma</artifactId>
-    <version>3.0.0</version>
-## Untyped Mode Example
-In untyped mode there is no automatic typing. Whatever class is explicitly indicated is the type that will be instantiated when performing queries. Lets start with a simple example domain.
-public class Person extends VertexFrame {
-  public String getName() {
-    return getProperty("name");
-  }
-  public void setName(String name) {
-    setProperty("name", name);
-  }
-  public List<? extends Knows> getKnowsList() {
-    return traverse((v) -> v.outE("knows")).toList(Knows.class);
-  }
-  public Knows addKnows(Person friend) {
-    return addEdge("knows", friend, Knows.class);
-  }
-public class Knows extends EdgeFrame {
-  public void setYears(int years) {
-    setProperty("years", years);
-  }
-  public int getYears() {
-    return getProperty("years");
-  }
-And here is how you interact with the framed elements:
-public void testUntyped() {
-  Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
-  // implies untyped mode
-  FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g);
-  Person p1 = fg.addFramedVertex(Person.class);
-  p1.setName("Jeff");
-  Person p2 = fg.addFramedVertex(Person.class);
-  p2.setName("Julia");
-  Knows knows = p1.addKnows(p2);
-  knows.setYears(15);
-  Person jeff = fg.traverse((g) -> g.v().has("name", "Jeff")).next(Person.class);
-  Assert.assertEquals("Jeff", jeff.getName());
-## Simple Mode Example
-In simple mode you must provide concrete classes, no abstract or interfaces allowed, and the class should always extend from a FramedVertex or FramedEdge. Simple mode doesn't provide any annotations either. The purpose of simple mode is to provide type resolution. Basically the type of object you use when adding to the graph is the same type you get out when reading from the graph.
-Say we extend the Person class with the Programmer class.
-public class Programmer extends Person {
-Using simple mode will save the type of Java class the element was created with for use later:
-public void testSimpleTyping() {
-  Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
-  // implies simple mode
-  FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, true, false);
-  Person p1 = fg.addFramedVertex(Programmer.class);
-  p1.setName("Jeff");
-  Person p2 = fg.addFramedVertex(Person.class);
-  p2.setName("Julia");
-  Person jeff = fg.traverse((g) -> g.v().has("name", "Jeff")).next(Person.class);
-  Person julia = fg.traverse((g) -> g.v().has("name", "Julia")).next(Person.class);
-  Assert.assertEquals(Programmer.class, jeff.getClass());
-  Assert.assertEquals(Person.class, julia.getClass());
-## Annotated Mode Example
-In annotated mode you can either provide concrete classes, abstract classes, or even interfaces. Abstract classes and concrete classes must extend from FramedVertex or FramedEdge, however, interfaces do not have this restriction. Annotated mode also provides a set of annotations which must be used to define any abstract methods that are to be implemented by the engine. Annotated mode provides the same type resolution as provided by simple mode with a bit more power to determine parent-child relationships at run time.
-The same example as above done with annotations would look something like this.
-public abstract class Person extends VertexFrame {
-  @Property("name")
-  public abstract String getName();
-  @Property("name")
-  public abstract void setName(String name);
-  @Adjacency("knows")
-  public abstract Iterator<Person>; getKnowsPeople();
-  @Incidence("knows")
-  public abstract Iterator<Knows> getKnows();
-  @Incidence("knows")
-  public abstract Knows addKnows(Person friend);
-  public List<Person> getFriendsNamedBill() {
-    return traverse((v) -> v.out("knows").has("name", "bill").toList(Person.class);
-  }
-public abstract class Knows extends EdgeFrame {
-  @Property("years")
-  public abstract void setYears(int years);
-  @Property("years")
-  public abstract int getYears();
-  @InVertex
-  public abstract Person getIn();
-  @OutVertex
-  public abstract Person getIn();
-public abstract class Programmer extends Person {
-If we pass a collection of Class objects to the FramedGraph constructor then the annotated type resolver will be used. In this mode you want to tell the engine what classes you will be using so it can handle type resolution properly and construct the byte code for any abstract annotated methods.
-public void testAnnotatedTyping() {
-  Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(new Class<?>[]{
-                                                                    Person.class,
-                                                                    Programmer.class,
-                                                                    Knows.class}));
-  Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
-  //implies annotated mode
-  FramedGraph fg = new DelegatingFramedGraph(g, true, types);
-  Person p1 = fg.addFramedVertex(Programmer.class);
-  p1.setName("Jeff");
-  Person p2 = fg.addFramedVertex(Person.class);
-  p2.setName("Julia");
-  Person jeff = fg.traverse((g) -> g.v().has("name", "Jeff")).next(Person.class);
-  Person julia = fg.traverse((g) -> g.v().has("name", "Julia")).next(Person.class);
-  Assert.assertEquals(Programmer.class, jeff.getClass());
-  Assert.assertEquals(Person.class, julia.getClass());
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-**Frame** - A class from the schema that represents an element from the graph. A frame usually extends either a VertexFrame or an EdgeFrame, though they are not required to do so.
-**Element** - Either a vertex or an edge in a graph.
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--- a/src/site/markdown/index.md
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-#### [Bootstrap themes from Bootswatch][themes]
-[![Bootswatch themes](images/carousel-themes.png)][themes]
-Select a free theme for your website from an excellent gallery at [Bootswatch][bootswatch].
-Out of the box support for these and other custom [Bootstrap][bootstrap] themes.
-#### [Page layouts][reflow-layouts]
-[![Page layouts](images/carousel-layouts.jpg)][reflow-layouts]
-Write plain text in Markdown or APT, then set different layouts to your page sections.
-#### [Modern skin][reflow-misc]
-[![Modern skin](images/carousel-components.jpg)][reflow-misc]
-Reflow skin uses modern components from Bootstrap and other libraries, upgrades Maven generated
-site and provides further enhancements.
-#### [New Velocity tools][reflow-tools]
-[![Reflow Velocity tools](images/carousel-tools.png)][reflow-tools]
-The skin adds a library of new Velocity tools to use in your own Maven template: rewrite HTML code,
-support per-page configurations and more!
-[bootswatch]: http://bootswatch.com
-[bootstrap]: http://getbootstrap.com
-[themes]: skin/themes/
-[reflow-layouts]: skin/layouts.html
-[reflow-misc]: skin/misc.html
-[reflow-tools]: reflow-velocity-tools/
-## Get it now
-To use Reflow skin in your Maven site, [add it to site.xml][reflow-usage]:
-  <groupId>lt.velykis.maven.skins</groupId>
-  <artifactId>reflow-maven-skin</artifactId>
-  <version>1.1.1</version>
-Furthermore, the skin requires accompanying [Reflow Velocity tools][reflow-tools] as a dependency
-as well as Apache Velocity 1.7.
-[Add them as dependencies][reflow-usage] to `maven-site-plugin`.
-[Full usage instructions &raquo;][reflow-usage]
-[reflow-usage]: skin/
-## Responsive layouts
-Write your pages in [APT or Markdown][doxia-formats], then restructure them using Reflow skin
--   **Carousel** - spinning image slideshow
--   **Thumbnails** - showcase your image gallery
--   **Columns** - multi-column text
--   **Sidebar** - wrap into a sidebar
--   **Body** - text as it has been written
-Partition the page into sections using `<hr/>` elements, and define preferred layouts for each section in `site.xml`. Reflow skin is responsive thanks to [Bootstrap][bootstrap], so the layouts
-will be rearranged automatically for readability on small screens.
-[Read more about layouts in the documentation &raquo;][reflow-layouts]
-[doxia-formats]: http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/index.html
-## Themes
-The skin theme can be [switched easily][themes]: just select a Bootstrap theme
-to give an easy makeover for your Maven site.
--   **Default** - use the default [Bootstrap][bootstrap] theme
--   **Bootswatch** - select an excellent free theme from [Bootswatch][bootswatch]
--   **Custom** - create your own Bootstrap theme with [existing tools][bootstrap-custom]
-**Need to change something?** Extend the skin with custom `site.css` file in your project, and
-[reuse it for multi-module site][reflow-multi].
-[How to select a theme &raquo;][themes]
-[bootstrap-custom]: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/customize.html
-[reflow-multi]: skin/multi-module.html
-## Configure
-Reflow is very configurable: many features and components can be disabled, and optional
-enhancements enabled using [configuration in `site.xml`][reflow-config]:
--   **Table of contents** - display ToC for each page: top bar or sidebar
--   **Menus** - filter Maven menus and select what to display in top or bottom navigation
--   **Code highlight** - syntax colouring for code snippets
--   **Image preview** - display images in pop-ups
--   ... [and more][reflow-config]
-Check out the [documentation][reflow-config] for all the features. Every configuration option
-can be applied on a _per-page_ basis!
-[reflow-config]: skin/config.html
-## Velocity tools
-Reflow skin provides custom Velocity tools library to be used in Maven site template:
--   **`SkinConfigTool`** - convenient access to custom configuration options (global and per-page)
--   **`HtmlTool`** - query and modify HTML text
--   **`URITool`** - use Java URIs in the template
-To enable these tools for any skin, add `reflow-velocity-tools` dependency to
-`maven-site-plugin` in the POM.
-[Read more about usage and browse the Javadoc &raquo;][reflow-tools]
-### About
-Reflow Maven skin is an [Apache Maven site][mvn-site] skin built on [Bootstrap][bootstrap].
-The code is [open source][reflow-github] and licensed under [Apache license][apache-license].
-The skin can be used freely for your Maven projects.
-[Contribute][contribute] by reporting issues, suggesting new features, or forking the
-Git repository on GitHub and adding some good code!
-In the end, if you _really really_ like the skin and want to support the author, I will
-be glad to [accept a small donation][donate].
-[mvn-site]: http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-site.html
-[apache-license]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-[contribute]: contribute.html
-[reflow-github]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/
-[donate]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=QWKNRFZH52828
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/overview.md b/src/site/markdown/overview.md
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--- a/src/site/markdown/overview.md
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-An ORM / OGM for the TinkerPop graph stack.
-**Licensed under the Apache Software License v2**
-The Ferma project was originally created as an alternative to the
-TinkerPop2 Frames project. Which at the time lacked features needed by
-the community, and its performance was cripplingly slow. Today Ferma is
-a robust framework that takes on a role similar to an Object-relational
-Model (ORM) library for traditional databases. Ferma is often referred
-to as a Object-graph Model (OGM) library, and maps Java objects to
-elements in a graph such as a Vertex or an Edges. In short it allows a
-schema to be defined using java interfaces and classes which provides a
-level of abstraction for interacting with the underlying graph.
-Ferma 3.x **Supports TinkerPop3**. For tinkerPop2 support use Ferma
-version 2.x.
-Annotated classes in Ferma have their abstract methods implemented using
-code generation during start-up with Byte Buddy, avoiding the need for
-proxy classes. This in turn significantly improves performance when
-compared with TinkerPop Frames and other frameworks. Ferma offers many
-features including several annotation types to reduce the need for
-boilerplate code as well as handling Java typing transparently. This
-ensures whatever the type of the object is when you persist it to the
-graph the same Java type will be used when instantiating a class off of
-the graph.
-Ferma is designed to easily replace TinkerPop Frames in existing code,
-as such, the annotations provided by Ferma are a super-set of those
-provided by TinkerPop Frames.
-Ferma is built directly on top of TinkerPop and allows access to all of
-the internals. This ensures all the TinkerPop features are available to
-the end-user. The TinkerPop stack provides several tools which can be
-used to work with the Ferma engine.
--   **Gremlin**, a database agnostic query language for Graph Databases.
--   **Gremlin Server**, a server that provides an interface for
-    executing Gremlin on remote machines.
--   a data-flow framework for splitting, merging, filtering, and
-    transforming of data
--   **Graph Computer**, a framework for running algorithms against a
-    Graph Database.
--   Support for both **OLTP** and **OLAP** engines.
--   **TinkerGraph** a Graph Database and the reference implementation
-    for TinkerPop.
--   Native **Gephi** integration for visualizing graphs.
--   Interfaces for most major Graph Compute Engines including **Hadoop
-    M/R**. **Spark**, and **Giraph**.
-Ferma also supports any of the many databases compatible with TinkerPop
-including the following.
--   [Titan](http://thinkaurelius.github.io/titan/)
--   [Neo4j](http://neo4j.com)
--   [OrientDB](http://www.orientechnologies.com/orientdb/)
--   [MongoDB](http://www.mongodb.org)
--   [Oracle
-    NoSQL](http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/nosql/overview/index.html)
--   TinkerGraph
-Ferma Javadocs:
-[latest](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma) -
-[3.0.1](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/3.0.1) -
-[3.0.0](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/3.0.0) -
-[2.2.0](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.2.0) -
-[2.1.0](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.1.0) -
-[2.0.6](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.6) -
-[2.0.5](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.5) -
-[2.0.4](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.4) -
-[2.0.3](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.3) -
-[2.0.2](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.2) -
-[2.0.1](http://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.syncleus.ferma/ferma/2.0.1) -
-For support please use
-or the [official Ferma mailing
-Please file bugs and feature requests on
-Obtaining the Source
-The official source repository for Ferma is located in the Syncleus
-Github repository and can be cloned using the following command.
-git clone https://github.com/Syncleus/Ferma.git
diff --git a/src/site/markdown/release-notes.md b/src/site/markdown/release-notes.md
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-# Release notes
-The history of Reflow Maven skin releases is documented below. For details of changes refer to the [project's GitHub issues][reflow-issues] or the [GitHub report][github-report].
-[reflow-issues]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues?state=closed
-[github-report]: github-report.html
-## 1.1.1 / 2014-06-22
-### Bug fixes
--   Image previews (lightbox) don't work anymore ([#35][])
--   Smooth scrolling does not work ([#36][])
-See [all GitHub issues for 1.1.1][reflow-issues-111] for further details.
-[#35]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/35
-[#36]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/36
-[reflow-issues-111]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues?milestone=2&amp;state=closed
-## 1.1.0 / 2014-02-17
-### Major enhancements
--   Support for custom/local resources (vs. hardcoded CDN-based jQuery and Bootstrap), which enables use of Reflow skin in a local/intranet setting ([#24][])
-### Minor enhancements
--   Upgraded to Bootstrap 2.3 ([#9][])
--   Bumped versions of other skin components (e.g. [#22][])
-### Bug fixes
--   Fixed ToC snapping when banner is not available/is of custom size ([#1][])
--   NPE when menu item href is not set ([#8][])
--   Other various fixes (see [GitHub issues][reflow-issues-110])
-See [all GitHub issues for 1.1.0][reflow-issues-110] for further details.
-[#1]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/1
-[#8]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/8
-[#9]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/9
-[#22]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/22
-[#24]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/24
-[reflow-issues-110]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues?milestone=1&amp;state=closed
-## 1.0.0 / 2013-01-15
--   Initial release of Reflow Maven skin and Reflow Velocity tools.
diff --git a/src/site/resources/css/site.css b/src/site/resources/css/site.css
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-.color-highlight {
-	color: #225E9B;
-body {
-	background-image:url(../images/bg.png);
-body[class*="page-themes-bootswatch"] {
-	background-image: none;
-body[class*="page-themes-bootswatch"] .color-highlight {
-	color: inherit;
-.thumbnail-row {
-	margin-top: 10px;
-/*h1, */h2 {
-  margin-top: 30px;
-h3, h4, h5, h6 {
-  margin-top: 20px;
-.carousel-caption a {
-  color: white;
-/* A bit of workaround for links being not clickable due to :before element in headings */
-.project-reflow-parent.page-index h2[id]:before {
-  height: 30px;
-  margin-top: -30px;
-.project-reflow-parent.page-index .sidebar {
-  margin-top: 10px;
-.project-reflow-parent.page-index .sidebar {
-  margin-top: 10px;
-.project-reflow-parent.page-index .sidebar h3 {
-  margin-top: 10px;
-@media (min-width: 980px) {
-  .page-themes-bootswatch-readable .navbar.affix {
-    top: 60px;
-  }
-  .page-themes-bootswatch-cerulean .navbar.affix {
-    top: 50px;
-  }
-  .page-themes-bootswatch-spruce .navbar.affix {
-    top: 55px;
-  }
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index 219dfa4f9a22cca79ca3525e4e1be6fccaa71f60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/site/resources/images/carousel-components.jpg and /dev/null differ
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index ef68863fb92da8f9782ef8a11c069492d851ead2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/site/resources/images/carousel-layouts.jpg and /dev/null differ
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index 25b7fe33acbc68e9f689f04a431d19f07c16f0f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/site/resources/images/carousel-themes.png and /dev/null differ
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index 5f179396c429d271bef4d01750853d9d1fa1419f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/site/resources/images/carousel-tools.png and /dev/null differ
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index 74d2648170a23c91a422b7d45ca8e132c41bee41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/site/site.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project name="Reflow Maven Skin"
-  xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.3.0"
-  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-  xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.3.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/decoration-1.3.0.xsd">
-  <bannerLeft>
-    <!-- Reflow Maven Skin, but with "Reflow" highlighted -->
-    <name><![CDATA[
-      <span class="color-highlight">Reflow</span> Maven Skin
-      ]]>
-    </name>
-    <href>http://andriusvelykis.github.io/reflow-maven-skin</href>
-  </bannerLeft>
-  <publishDate position="bottom" format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
-  <version position="bottom" />
-  <googleAnalyticsAccountId>UA-1402675-6</googleAnalyticsAccountId>
-  <skin>
-    <groupId>lt.velykis.maven.skins</groupId>
-    <artifactId>reflow-maven-skin</artifactId>
-    <version>1.1.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
-  </skin>
-  <custom>
-    <reflowSkin>
-      <!-- Make this to 'false' for local development, i.e. file:// URLs -->
-      <protocolRelativeURLs>false</protocolRelativeURLs>
-      <smoothScroll>true</smoothScroll>
-      <theme>default</theme>
-      <highlightJs>true</highlightJs>
-      <highlightJsTheme>github</highlightJsTheme>
-      <absoluteResourceURL>http://andriusvelykis.github.io/reflow-maven-skin/</absoluteResourceURL>
-      <brand>
-        <!-- Brand text in top-left part of the site -->
-        <name>
-          <![CDATA[
-          <span class="color-highlight">Reflow</span> Maven Skin
-          ]]>
-        </name>
-        <href>http://andriusvelykis.github.io/reflow-maven-skin</href>
-      </brand>
-      <slogan>Responsive Apache Maven skin to reflow the standard Maven site with a modern feel</slogan>
-      <titleTemplate>%2$s | %1$s</titleTemplate>
-      <!-- Use Table of Contents at the top of the page (max 6 elements) -->
-      <toc>top</toc>
-      <tocTopMax>6</tocTopMax>
-      <!-- Include the documentation and tools in the top navigation (in addition to links) -->
-      <topNav>Documentation|Tools|Contribute</topNav>
-      <!-- Split menus in the bottom navigation -->
-      <bottomNav maxSpan="9" >
-        <column>Main|Tools</column>
-        <column>Download|Contribute</column>
-        <column>Documentation</column>
-        <column>reports</column>
-      </bottomNav>
-      <bottomDescription>
-        <![CDATA[
-          <span class="color-highlight">Reflow</span> is an Apache Maven site skin built on 
-          <a href="http://getbootstrap.com" title="Bootstrap">Bootstrap</a>.
-          It allows various structural and stylistic customizations to create a
-          modern-looking Maven-generated website.
-        ]]>
-      </bottomDescription>
-      <pages>
-        <index project="reflow-parent">
-          <!-- Override the title -->
-          <titleTemplate>Reflow Maven Skin</titleTemplate>
-          <!-- no breadcrumbs on the main index page -->
-          <breadcrumbs>false</breadcrumbs>
-          <!-- no ToC on the main index page -->
-          <toc>false</toc>
-          <markPageHeader>false</markPageHeader>
-          <sections>
-            <carousel />
-            <columns>2</columns>
-            <body />
-            <sidebar />
-          </sections>
-        </index>
-        <contribute>
-          <breadcrumbs>false</breadcrumbs>
-        </contribute>
-        <!-- Disable source highlighting for Maven reports -->
-        <source-repository>
-          <highlightJs>false</highlightJs>
-        </source-repository>
-        <issue-tracking>
-          <highlightJs>false</highlightJs>
-          <toc>false</toc>
-        </issue-tracking>
-        <license>
-          <highlightJs>false</highlightJs>
-          <toc>false</toc>
-        </license>
-        <!-- Disable ToC for some Maven reports -->
-        <project-info>
-          <toc>false</toc>
-        </project-info>
-        <github-report>
-          <toc>false</toc>
-        </github-report>
-        <dependencies>
-          <tocTopMax>4</tocTopMax>
-        </dependencies>
-      </pages>
-    </reflowSkin>
-  </custom>
-  <body>
-    <!-- Add a rel to Google profile for all pages -->
-    <head>
-      <link rel="author" href="http://plus.google.com/109737404465892813363"/>
-    </head>
-    <links>
-      <item name="Download" href="skin/index.html#Usage" />
-      <item name="GitHub project" href="http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/" />
-    </links>
-    <breadcrumbs>
-      <item name="Reflow" href="/" />
-    </breadcrumbs>
-    <menu name="Main" inherit="top">
-      <item name="Home" href="./" />
-      <item name="GitHub project" href="http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/" />
-      <item name="Blog" href="http://andrius.velykis.lt/tag/reflow-maven-skin/" />
-      <item name="Release notes" href="release-notes.html" />
-    </menu>
-    <menu name="Download" inherit="top">
-      <item name="Download" href="skin/index.html#Usage" />
-      <item name="License" href="license.html" />
-    </menu>
-    <menu name="Documentation" inherit="bottom">
-      <item name="Usage" href="skin/" />
-      <item name="Configuration" href="skin/config.html" />
-      <item name="Themes" href="skin/themes/" />
-      <item name="Layouts" href="skin/layouts.html" />
-      <item name="Components" href="skin/components.html" />
-      <item name="Other" href="skin/misc.html" />
-      <item name="Multi-module site" href="skin/multi-module.html" />
-      <item name="Local resources" href="skin/resources.html" />
-    </menu>
-    <menu name="Tools" inherit="bottom">
-      <item name="Reflow Velocity tools" href="reflow-velocity-tools/" />
-      <item name="Tools Javadoc" href="reflow-velocity-tools/apidocs/" />
-    </menu>
-    <menu name="Contribute" inherit="bottom">
-      <item name="Contribute" href="contribute.html" />
-      <item name="Issues" href="http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/issues/" />
-      <item name="Fork on GitHub" href="http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/" />
-      <item name="Donate" href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;amp;hosted_button_id=QWKNRFZH52828" />
-    </menu>
-    <menu name="Maven documentation" ref="reports" inherit="bottom"/>
-  </body>