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Digipex / APEX APRS
Apache License 2.0APEX Protocol (APXP) ruby implementation from frame parsing.
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An example of using the syncleus-white template to generate a pdf.
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A middleman blogger template based on ghoststa template for ghost.
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An example in javascript on how to calculate primes
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OtherUpdated -
QOTO / halcyon-qoto
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Maven plugin wrapper for the flapdoodle.de embedded MongoDB API
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Digipex / Digipex
Apache License 2.0Digipex app for running an APXP/APRS node. This is the component that talks to the TNC and radio.
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Syncleus / python-seed
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseA comprehensive seed project for python.
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A framework for executing native Java code on the GPU.
Archived 0Updated -
Aethyr / AetherMUD-coffee
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman / agusmakmun-github-io
MIT License💪 My Stack Problems - Jekyll ThemeUpdated