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crystal 12 Days of Christmas code.golf soluce for https://code.golf/12-days-of-christmas#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal CSS Colors soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/css-colors#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Fibonacci soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/fibonacci#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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Solving fizzbuzz challenge for code.golf https://code.golf/fizz-buzz#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Fibonacci soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/leap-years#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Levenshtein Distance soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/levenshtein-distance#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Look and say soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/look-and-say#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Niven Numbers for code.golf https://code.golf/niven-numbers#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Odious Numbers soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/odious-numbers#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Pangram Grep soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/pangram-grep#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard code.golf soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/rock-paper-scissors-spock-lizard#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Seven Segment soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/seven-segment#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Sierpiński Triangle soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/sierpi%c5%84ski-triangle#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org
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crystal Tongue-twisters soluce for code.golf https://code.golf/tongue-twisters#crystal
crytal-lang is a compiled language heavily inspired from ruby : see https://crystal-lang.org