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Modjular / Latex Pandoc Mermaid Plantuml Docker
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Ali Munawar / MBBS in Russia
MIT LicenseNew Era Education Institute is milestone the way for ambitious students who wish to start out a successful career in MBBS Abroad. We are most excellent at helping you to fulfill your dream by providing continuous support for all of your MBBS Abroad admission needs. Our advisory and value-added solutions include MBBS Abroad admission, payment processing, student visa, accommodation https://www.neweraeducation.in/mbbs-in-russia.php
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QOTO / qoto-groups
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Modjular / Alpine Edge
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Goblin OGM Buildchain http://goblin-ogm.com
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Russell Jarvis / ScienceAccessibility
MIT LicenseAnalysis of accessibility of science writing.
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Aethyr / Aethyr
Apache License 2.0Updated -
IGATE docker image for igate.digipex.io. NOTE: Do not use, hardcoded for our server.
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Syncleus / python-seed
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseA comprehensive seed project for python.
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Russell Jarvis / NeuronUnitOpt-jl
MIT LicenseJulia Implementation of Data Driven Optimization of Spiking Neuron Models.