{ "name": "tree berserker", "colorName": "tree @c-bold-on@@c-magenta@berserker@c-reset@", "stats": { "strength": 15, "intelligence": 0, "willpower": 0, "aim": 1, "agile": 3, "armorRating": 6, "meleSkill": 14, "currentHealth": 120, "maxHealth": 120, "weaponRatingMax": 15, "weaponRatingMin": 7, "numberOfWeaponRolls": 1, "experience": 22500, "currentMana": 120, "maxMana": 120, "foraging": 0, "inventorySize": 0, "maxEffects": 0 }, "dieMessage": "a tree @c-bold-on@@c-magenta@berserker@c-reset@ breathes his last breath in a pool of @c-bold-on@@c-red@blood@c-reset@", "temperament": "PASSIVE", "roamAreas": [ "NORTH1_ZONE" ], "validTriggers": [ "t", "tree", "tree berserker", "berserker", "b" ], "spawnRules": [ { "area": "NORTH1_ZONE", "randomChance": 100, "spawnIntervalTicks": 600, "maxInstances": 24, "maxPerRoom": 6 } ], "loot": { "internalItemNames": [ "beserker baton", "beserker boots" ], "lootGoldMax": 14, "lootGoldMin": 8 }, "attackMessages": [ { "type": "NORMAL", "attackMessage": "The @npc-color-name@ swings a berserker baton at @player-name@!" }, { "type": "NORMAL", "attackMessage": "The @npc-color-name@ charges at @player-name@!" }, { "type": "NORMAL", "attackMessage": "The @npc-color-name@ wildly swings its fists at @player-name@!" }, { "type": "NORMAL", "attackMessage": "The @npc-color-name@ foams at the mouth and lunges at @player-name@!" } ] }