From da525ea6bc368ad3434f36f889fd9063ea1a346d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeffrey Phillips Freeman <>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 23:50:38 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] docs(Repository): Updated the contributing file with a few
 small details.

--- | 23 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 1e29f3b8..a8e59ff1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -73,25 +73,26 @@ First ensure the package is prepared for the release process:
 * Make sure any references to the version number in the readme is updated
   * Version number in dependency maven snippet.
   * Add new version to javadoc version list.
-  * Ensure travis badge and javadoc badge point to static tag and not latest.
 * Ensure that none of the dependencies used are snapshots.
+* Update the changelog file.
 * Check that all Aparapi libraries used as dependencies point to the latest version.
 Next lets take a few steps to do the actual release:
 1.  Update everything listed above. Do **not** drop the package version's `-SNAPSHOT` suffix in master.
-2.  Create a release branch, but make sure never to push this branch to the server: `git checkout -b release`.
-3.  Drop the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix from the package version.
-4.  Commit the current changes using a generic commit message such as `build(release): version 1.2.3`.
-5.  Fully test the software before deploying, run all tests and install locally to test against the examples package.
+2.  Update the again to ensure travis badge and javadoc badge point to static tag and not latest.
+3.  Create a release branch, but make sure never to push this branch to the server: `git checkout -b release`.
+4.  Drop the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix from the package version.
+5.  Commit the current changes using a generic commit message such as `build(release): version 1.2.3`.
+6.  Fully test the software before deploying, run all tests and install locally to test against the examples package.
     You can install the package locally with `mvn clean install`.
-6.  Once satisfied the package is stable deploy it to maven central by executing `mvn -P sign clean package deploy`.
-7.  If deployment was successful then create a new tag for the current version with the following command:
+7.  Once satisfied the package is stable deploy it to maven central by executing `mvn -P sign clean package deploy`.
+8.  If deployment was successful then create a new tag for the current version with the following command:
     `git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "Version 1.2.3"`.
-8.  Push the newly created tags to the server: `git push origin v1.2.3:v1.2.3`.
-9.  Checkout master again and then delete the release branch: `git branch -D release`.
-10. Bump the snapshot version of the package to the next expected version, commiting the changes and pushing.
-11. Deploy the new snapshot to the snapshot repository (no need to sign): `mvn clean deploy`.
+9.  Push the newly created tags to the server: `git push origin v1.2.3:v1.2.3`.
+10.  Checkout master again and then delete the release branch: `git branch -D release`.
+11. Bump the snapshot version of the package to the next expected version, commiting the changes and pushing.
+12. Deploy the new snapshot to the snapshot repository (no need to sign): `mvn clean deploy`.
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