diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ Aparapi was originally a project conceived and developed by AMD corporation. It
 Below you will find two side-by-side comparisons for the nbody problem on a CPU vs a GPU. The simulation is being run on an inexpensive graphics card; you can even run it yourself from the [examples project](https://github.com/Syncleus/aparapi-examples). Its obvious the drastic performance gains that can be acheived with Aparapi.
-![NBody GPU](http://aparapi.com/images/nbody_gpu.gif) ![NBody CPU](http://aparapi.com/images/nbody_cpu.gif)
+| ![NBody GPU](http://aparapi.com/images/nbody_gpu.gif) | ![NBody CPU](http://aparapi.com/images/nbody_cpu.gif) |
+| GPU Accelerated | CPU Multi-threaded (8 cores) |
 ## Support and Documentation